If an unforeseen circumstance; illness (documented), death in family, etc. kept a student from completing course work by the end of the semester, they are able to request an incomplete before the end of the semester. It is the purview of the faculty whether to approve or not.

The student should initiate the request for an incomplete. A staff member or faculty member can work with the student to start the request, but the student needs be part of the initial process.

In order for a student to be eligible for an incomplete grade, the following criteria must be met:

  • The student must have attended at least 66% of classes (Is it possible for the student to pass the class according to your syllabus absence policy?):
    • 10 classes for courses that meet once a week
    • 20 classes for courses that meet twice a week
  • 66% is on par with requirements for financial aid. Financial aid is responsible for notifying the Department of ED when a student has stopped attending classes and is required to send federal money back if a student is deemed as not participating, also known as “Academic Engagement”. For asynchronous classes, the student must have been active in the course; regularly logged into Canvas, submitted assignments, participated in discussions, etc.
  • Student must be in contact with the instructor before the end of the semester. (See Grade Change policy if after the semester)
  • An unforeseen circumstance; illness (documented), death in family, etc. kept the student from completing course work by the end of the semester.
  • Midterm grade of D or better. (Is it possible for the student to complete the outstanding work within 30 days?)
  • Completed “Incomplete Grade Form” on file in the Registrar’s office. Each incomplete grade requires a separate form.

Incomplete grades must be changed to a final letter grade within 30 days of the end of the semester. Spring 2024 incomplete final grades are due by Monday, June 3, 2024. Keep this in mind when setting deadlines for the student. Give yourself time to review work, if needed. All incomplete grades will lapse to an F if a final grade is not assigned within the 30 days. (See Grade Change Policy for options.)

A student’s upcoming semester may be affected by an incomplete grade. Final grades will need to be assigned before the student is able to take/start the next class. Please plan deadlines accordingly, especially if the start of the next semester is within the 30-day window.

Contact the Registrar’s office to request the form.

For more information contact: Jean Weimer, jweimer@miad.edu